
Toyota wins 2009 Loyalty Awards

If a customer is loyal, it usually means you're doing something right. In the case of automotive manufacturers, there are several levels at which loyalty can be tested, from the manufacturer themselves, through to the salesperson, the service personnel, and aftercare staff.

Information tabling company, R.L. Polk and Co. has just released its awards for the brands to which consumers in the U.S. have been most loyal in 2009.

Bumping General Motors off the top spot for the first time in nine years is Toyota with 58.6 per cent. This represents "Overall Loyalty to Manufacturer", indicating its ability to retain previous customers.

Honda also scored well, with a 54.86 per cent "Overall Loyalty to Make". Most improved loyalty went to Audi with nearly a five per cent increase in customer loyalty.

Click here to see the full list of winners.

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